First Generation Bernedoodle Puppies

We would consider any reasonable offer!

These puppies are available now!

We have 5 Bernedoodle puppies for sale: 

3 Tri-Color & 2 Phantoms

Charlie |  Male  |  Tri-Color  |  Sold

Charlie is the Coolest Dude in the bunch. He is the largest as well. Powers his way out of most cages and leads the pack out. Usually taking the crew on an adventure somewhere. He is smart and kind to all his litter mates and loves to be held. He is calming to the others when necessary and always calming to hold. Truly a beautiful dog !

Sire is AKC Registered Standard Poodle. Dame is AKC Registered Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parents have been medically screened. The puppy is good sized and he is the one Tri-Color in the litter. White feet, black nose, white tip on tail. Touches of brown. Sweet voice. Both black & white on one ear :-). Fun.

Cora |  Female  |  Black & White Tuxedo

Cora is the Firebrand of the group. Keeps the boys in line. Very Adventerious and eager to see the world. She is smart and curious about everything. Very engaging and vital. A real treasure !

Sire is AKC Registered Standard Poodle. Dame is AKC Registered Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parents have been medically screened. The puppy is good sized and she is a black & white Tuxedo. White feet, black nose, white rip on tail. Sweet voice. Perfect black & white face white collar & chest. Sweet & Kind.

Binkey |  Male  |  Black & White Tuxedo

Binkey is a sly one. Beautiful blue tinted eyes. Raccoon mask. Like all the puppies he seeks out companionship and is playful with his mates. What makes him so interesting is how he relates. The Phantoms tend to hang out together and the White & Black & Tan Tri-Colors all tend to hang out together, but Binkey likes hanging out with everyone. He is a sweet, sweet treasure.

Sire is AKC Registered Standard Poodle. Dame is AKC Registered Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parents have been medically screened. The puppy is good sized and he is a black & white Tuxedo. White feet, black nose, white tip on tail. Sweet voice. Perfect black & white face white collar & chest.

Romeo |  Male  |  Tan & Black Phantom  |  Sold

Romeo is the cuddliest of all the litter and was the first one to seek out human companionship. He is Active, Lively and always happy to cuddle. Independent in his own way, he is the sweetheart of the group.

Sire is AKC Registered Standard Poodle. Dame is AKC Registered Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parents have been medically screened. The puppy is good sized and he is a Tan & Black Phantom. Beautiful color mix brown eyebrows, face, chest and feet. Sweet an Inquisitive.

Pogo |  Male  |  Tan & Black Phantom

Brownie is a good friendly Phantom F1 Bernedoodle who gets alone with everyone. Loves playing with his puppy mates. He was the smallest of the litter, but sometimes those make the best pets !

Sire is AKC Registered Standard Poodle. Dame is AKC Registered Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parents have been medically screened. The puppy is good sized and he is a Tan & Black Phantom. Beautiful color mix brown eyebrows, face, chest and feet.


These puppies are purebred Bernedoodles. They are first generation Bernedoodles with 50% Bernese Mountain Dog and 50% Poodle. Therefore they’re getting maximum traits from their parent’s breeds.

Previous litters

Contact us for an application if you are interested in purchasing one of our F1 Bernedoodle puppies! You can also follow us on Facebook for more puppy updates!

Rudy |  Male  |  Black & White  |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong.  Calm, Collected, Watches Everything, Loves to travel, a great companion. Lively and ready for whatever comes next. Rudy play great with litter mates. He always seems to be smiling.

Charlie  |  Male  |  Tri-Colored  |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Perfect Tri-Colored markings, White paws. Loves the sun and greatly enjoys people.

Bella  |  Female  |  Tri-Colored  |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Takes after her mom, very loving and proud. Very inquisitive. A leader in the pack, soft fur, loves to be held. Great combination of affection, personality and uniqueness.

Luka  |  Male  |  Bi-Colored  |  SOLD

Bi-Colored Phantom with beautiful White Highlights. Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Rambunctious & loved being around people. Quick and kind. Did I mention Quick !

Trixie |  Female  |  Bi-Colored  |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Rambunctious & loved being around people. Quick and kind.

Coca  |  Female  |  Bi-Colored  |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Beautiful curly hair. Sweet, sweet personality. Sporty, loves people.

Bronzy |  Male  |  Bi-Colored  |  $800

Luxurious hair, sweet face with a little white goatee, plays well with others.

Loki  |  Male  |  Black with White Highlights |  SOLD

Active, Happy. Healthy. Adventurous. Strong. Perfect Try-Colored markings, White paws. Loves the sun and greatly enjoys people. Charlie assesses the situation and acts. Very Quick. Loves to be held. There is a sense of peace yet he is one of the two most powerful of the litter.

Brutus  |  Male  |  Black  |  SOLD

Solid Black with White Highlights on Chest and Paws. The Muscle of the Pack. Bold, Black and Beautiful.