About Ayurveda

Our team includes 2 Ayurvedic Consultants, and a Professionally Trained Chef from Le Condon Bleu in San Francisco among our staff. We offer Ayurvedic Life-Style, menu-planning, and cooking training for those who wish to be an active participant in enhancing their life experience.

ayurvedic consultant certification

This is a brief description of Ayurveda from Banyon Botanicals:

The name “Ayurveda” is derived from two words in Sanskrit, “ayuh” meaning “life” or “longevity” and “veda” meaning “science” or “sacred knowledge.” Ayurveda’s definition therefore roughly translates as “the science of longevity” or “the sacred knowledge of life.”

At its root, Ayurveda is a holistic tradition and way of living that can help each of us to claim and celebrate our capacity for wellness. Ayurveda can help us:

  • Sync up with our truest inner nature
  • Honor and develop our strengths
  • Hone in on our challenge areas
  • Redirect detrimental tendencies
  • Maintain balance in the face of adversity

In other words, Ayurveda is not simply about taking an herbal formula and waiting for the results. Instead, Ayurveda encourages you to be an active participant in your own journey toward healing. This involves learning about your relationship with the elements and the unique combinations they create called doshas, which we will explore below. First, let’s take a look at Ayurveda’s background.

There are the three doshas (bodily humors): Vata, Pitta, Kapha. The doshas, or some combination of them, can be identified in various seasons, climates, landscapes, activities, plants, and animals. Each of them embodies a combination of elements and qualities to create a functional entity—an energetic force of nature.

All three doshas are present in everyone, but the ratio between them varies a great deal from one person to the next. We will get to that in a moment, but first, here is an overview of the essential nature of each dosha.

Dosha Questionnaire

The Sanskrit word for health, svastha is a state in which the mind, soul, and senses interact harmoniously to experience a feeling of Self, wellness, and even bliss. Achieving this may seem like a lofty goal, but Ayurveda provides a treasure chest of elegant and insightful tools to help us get there.

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3

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