Whole Roast Chicken 4 servings
Whereas it remains unclear whether the chicken or the egg came first; evidence suggests that ground zero for the bird’s westward spread may have been the Indus Valley, where the city-states of the Harappan civilization carried on a lively trade with the Middle East more than 4,000 years ago. Suffice it to say that Chicken has been with us a while.
Equipment Needed:
Roasting Pan, large bowl for tossing vegetables:
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Clean the chicken well and pat dry with paper towels.
- 2- 2 ¼ : Lb. Whole Chicken
Rub Safflower oil into the chicken’s skin with your hands to get it well integrated. (-PK+V)
- 6: Stalks Celery
- 2: Medium sized yellow Onions
- 3: Whole White Potatoes (peeled)
Roughly chop up vegetables in approximately 1” squares. Place in large metal bowl. Add:
- ¼: Cup Canola Oil
- 2: T chopped Parsley (-VK+P+)
- 2: T chopped Sage (-K+VP)
Mix the vegetables and herbs together well in the bowl then place mixture in bottom of Roasting Pan. Lightly season with s/p. Add:
- 3: Cups Chicken Stock
- 1: Whole Lemon, cut in halves (-VPK)
- 1: T course chopped Tarragon (-VK+P)
- ½: t Hing (-VPK)
Place the Lemon, Tarragon and the Hing inside the Chicken’s cavity. Pour the stock over the vegetables in the bottom of the pan. Place in the pre-heated oven and set the timer for about 35 minutes. It should take approximately 40-45 minutes. Remove when internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. The vegetables can be served with the chicken, rice make a nice companion.